"I began this journey ready to learn how to be a better version of myself: along the way I realized that I am already infinitely special and capable, well beyond what I could imagine. I began this journey to acquire new skills in group management: along the way I realized that there is nothing to manage once I know how to recognise and harness my players' natural potential and connection."
Manuela Tesse
Head Coach of Malta Women's National Football team
"The Easier Project is an opportunity to see our true capacity as humans. Everything would be possible if more people saw that."
Katherine Haghighi
Author, Speaker
"The Easier Project has turned my life upside down. Now I am aware of who I am and of my potential. I see that there is no limit to what I can do, produce, create."
Gianmarco Lupi
Chief Operations Officer at Empoli FC
"When I first met Nico, he told me that he wanted to change the world, person by person, and I was sure that he was totally crazy. Today we are two totally crazy guys in the same conversation."
Tommaso Bianchini
Chief International Development Officer at SSC Napoli
“I realized that there is infinite potential in me and infinite possibilities around me. And there is nothing stopping me from my best, at all times.”
Susan Merz Anderson
Professional Coach
"I finally trust myself unconditionally. And it’s been such a radical change."
Amanda Gareis
Author, founder of Laud&Lore
"I used to hold myself back by worrying about trying to fit in all the other molds. Now doing things is so much easier and effortless."
Allison Pettengill
Entrepreneur, artist, founder of Castle Nitor
"In three days, the Easier Project helped me get to a place I've been trying to get to on my own for years. One of the most transformative experiences of my life"
Catherine Layton
Manager at Schurig Center for Brain Injury Recovery
"Any time you get to be in Nico's presence, you are guaranteed to settle down in your bones, come face to face with your own wisdom and fall back in love with the beauty of being alive. And when that happens, there’s no telling what’s possible"
Mer Monson
Writer and professional coach
"Better time-management, more clarity, a sense of ease in managing my schedule, deeper connection with my team… These are the implications I noticed as a byproduct of a much more important result: a deep sense of well-being"
Stefano Colantuono
President at SG Sport
"I judge myself less and I feel free to do what I want to do and say what I want to say. I feel wise. I am more aware of the richness in me and in the people around me. I am my own master. Every now and then I feel stuck, but a moment later something clicks and it all turns around: things become incredibly easy, obvious, clear and within reach. Beautiful… Beautiful."
Barbara Mortari
PR & Communication, Department for Digital Transformation - Italian Prime Minister's Office