The Easier Project Store

These are not just t-shirts, but an opportunity to wear a snapshot of the formless energy we’re made of. Our innate capacity to see something new – to have “insights” – is what makes an easier world possible. These insights are the stepping stones on a path towards being who we really are.

These t-shirts are a tool to both remember and inspire. To wear the words that changed someone’s perspective (and life), while pointing at something universal that we all share as human beings.

There is a story behind each of them: with every t-shirt there’s a short audio file (you’ll find it in the short description, after clicking on each different shirt) where you’ll hear the person behind each insight explaining what they “saw” with their own voice and their own words.

The Easier Project is a mission that only makes sense when shared. We believe in a world where everyone belongs and thrive, and we believe we can get there by creating space for insight. We are not interested in selling T-shirts, but we do want to give you the chance to buy them to join and support the Easier Project. You can ‘spread the word’ by wearing it.

And they do look awesome, don’t they?