Reconnect to the origin of your greatness while joining me as I explore freedom, exceptional results, and how to light up the world!

A pocket compass to point you towards greatness

No Way is an invitation to sit with us around the campfire. It’s an opportunity to join all our clients and supporters in the most important exploration that exists: the exploration of human greatness.

NoWay is an opportunity to access Nico’s insights and support to progress in your journey towards creating a wonderful life, excelling in performance and being yourself fully. The objective of No Way is to put fuel on your own inner fire and, eventually, light the world up.

How it works

No Way is a subscription-based open-ended program made of audios, videos, written articles. and live interactions.

Over the years we built a repository with hundreds of resources to explore greatness and wellbeing from different angles.

The subscription also includes unlimited email-support to spark insight on your journey and free access to the private group calls Nico hosts monthly on Zoom.

Our goal is to light up the entire world, that’s why the current investment to join No Way is only €9 / month (or €90/year). All included!!!

Here’s what you get when you sign up:

  • you will receive the full version of each NoWay! issue directly in your inbox (3+ editions per month plus occasional extras).
  • you have access to our entire archives! There are hours and hours worth of exploration in there, on almost any topic or theme related to our life and potential.
  • every month you will receive a special invitation to join free of charge our private NoWay coaching calls. The calls are not mandatory. They are a unique opportunity to be coached by me and/or connect and see others as they get supported in discovering how wonderful they actually are and unlock the infinite possibilities in front of them.
  • you have direct access to Nico via email. I’ll be there to support you as best I can, like I do with everyone I work with.
  • early access and discounts on future programs

Learn more and subscribe

Dive deeper in what No Way is and discover how it can support you by clicking here.

Note: No Way is hosted on a platform called Substack, by clicking the link you will be redirected there.

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