Working with The Easier Project

We are here to change the way athletes, companies, leaders, artists, and other top performers relate to their potential and their wellbeing. As we show them who they really are and how they actually work, expressing their best in any situation becomes inevitable and easy. 
All by developing an understanding of their spirit, how it works and how to harness it.

Difficulty is a sign that you’re not taking full advantage of your innate greatness. Most of us are operating below our natural infinite potential, but we don’t notice it because we don’t know it’s there!

That’s why, when you work with The Easier Project, you’ll find the source of energy, time, top performance and a deep sense of wellbeing, 24/7, without the need of working on yourself. It’s only a matter of “discovering” who you are and how you actually work. The rest is Easier. 

We work with:


Work directly with Nico and create your own personal journey: let him guide you as you realize your greatness


Bring your team to the next level: exponential, consistent performance with half the effort and zero stress


Our 1-to-1 offering allow you to work directly and individually with Nico. You’ll go as deep as you can in realizing your greatness and discovering how literally anything can be easier than you think. 

'The Spark' session (online)

A 2-hour conversation

What would you love to be easier? You get to spend 2 hours in a Zoom call with Nico, you name the topic. You'll leave the room with a sense of peace, wellbeing and clarity, and a whole new way of thinking about your world.
900 2 hours
  • An intake form that will help you getting clearer about what you want to get out of the session
  • Follow up resources hand-picked by Nico on the basis of what you discussed
  • A one-year subscription to No Way!, to stay in the conversation and continue your journey with monthly articles, videos and more

'The Big Breakthrough' intensive

3 days to dive deep

One month of work culminating in 2 and a half days spent together in person or online. We'll uncover who you really are, and we'll create a powerful breakthrough that will change how you see your potential and your life.
4.500* 3 days
  • 2 preparatory coaching sessions + audio, video and written resources to make the most of the intensive
  • 2 and a half days in Aosta, Italy with accomodations, breakfast and dinners included
  • Email and WhatsApp support for the following month + 1 final coaching session to connect the dots and look ahead with fresh eyes.

'The expansion' coaching journey

One year to transform

One year of deep exploration and permanent expansion. This is a once in a lifetime experience. You'll gain the keys to excel, thrive and enjoy whatever you engage with regardless of what happens around you.
18.000* 1 year
  • An initial immersive retreat to lay the foundations plus as many deep dives and intensives as needed
  • Flexible, bespoke package to find the best solutions in terms of dates and times in service of your exploration
  • Unlimited support throughout the year with sessions, phone calls, in-loco visits, facilitations, etc... Whatever it takes to help you transform as profoundly as it is possible
  • Option to access all our programs, courses and events for the year, free of charge
  • A follow-up year of 360° support with calls when needed


We work with sport teams, clubs and companies to turn clarity of mind into the biggest leverage and competitive advantage for performance, innovation and exponential results. Our goal is to let your team discover how they can be creative, resilient, innovative and perform at their best effortlessly and without ups and downs.

Insight partnership

We will work with you every step of the way. We will listen deeply to your people, and use all the tools in our box to transform profoundly your team. From retreats, to workshops, to private sessions and intensives, we will make sure we create the perfect context and content to let the team soar and express their full potential effortlessly.
18.000 (up to 10 people)
  • Plus €2.000 per extra person in the team (up to 30 people)

Custom solutions

We can create custom-made programs to engage any amount of people and provide all the answer they need in a flexible-yet-powerful format. 

Get in touch and let’s explore the perfect way to unleash the power of your team.

Get in touch

Are you interested in one of our programs or you’d like to learn more about our offering? Contact us.