The Insight Jar

This is where we store the building blocks of transformation. What makes The Easier Project’s work unique and impactful is the capacity to help our clients have meaningful realizations with their own eyes. We call these realizations “insights” because they are literally something you see from within.

This is how transformation happens. Change is immediate and lasting after an insight, because it’s not a piece of information you acquired, but something true that simply became part of your reality and you can’t unsee anymore.

Here’s a collection of real insights from our clients, from pro athletes, to CEOs, to artists, head coaches and more. Every single one is their description of something they have actually seen, in their own words. 

A light in the unknown

The unknown is not to be feared, there’s a light there that invites you to live and discover. You can live without fear because you’re made to meet anything that may arise from the unknown. When you understand this, you can show up on the pitch (real or metaphorical) like you had access to an endless source of new ideas that are just perfect for that moment.